Weekly Assignments

Saturday, August 13, 2016

I've been looking at printables galore on Pinterest and on other homeschooling blogs and I just haven't been able to find something that I thought would work well for Z regarding a daily list of tasks to help her stay on track. I didn't want to use all that paper either (a sheet day!) and have to have her fill out a "to do" list every day, or for me to have to! Since I'm still going to be working outside of the home our schedule for homeschooling is going to be a bit creative on those days that I work. I finally realized that it would be so much better if she knew at the start of each week exactly what it is that she is to do for the whole week. She can then manage her time accordingly (a skill she will need to have anyways) and plan what to do when, for the most part (I'm going to be a stickler on some things, like math, I'm guessing!) on her own. We can both plan, at a glance, when we will have time to do the more in depth projects as well. 

I decided on this super simple way to make our weekly assignment plan...I simply put her main subjects (printed from the computer) into a plastic sleeve and into a binder and I'll just stick post-it-notes under each subject every week, switching them out as needed...super slick if you ask me! Our other category will be for things we don't have every day such as Spanish, cooking, unit studies, etc.

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