A Day in the Life

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesdays are a favorite around here. It's the one day a week that we can dedicate time for special projects, activities, additional lessons, reading, etc. since the only planned thing for the day is youth group and that doesn't take place until evening.

Today started out with a leisurely breakfast over which we listened to a podcast from Brave Writer (our favorite new podcast to listen to!) and then we started a new lesson in math which meant we watched Mr. Demme present the topic via video. Zoey got it right away and finished her work in math and then moved on to science. In physical science for the next few weeks she is covering content surrounding the periodic table, and since she loves the periodic table (and has studied it on her own quite a bit already), I thought it would be fun to make it a bit more meaningful. In addition to the Oak Meadow lessons she will be working on and completing an Elemental Journal, watching videos on the elements and even creating little elemental tiles using modeling clay and doing little mini breakout experiments here and there. Ethan helped us hook up my laptop to our TV using a HDMI cord and we now can watch our school videos on a big screen which may sound funny, but is making things even more fun.

After science we took a break for lunch and then Zoey practiced guitar for close to an hour. Her guitar teacher is giving her more and more challenging pieces to tackle which means there is a bit of frustration here and there, but she keeps on working through it and the pay-off has been great. Probably watching her progress in guitar this year has been the most rewarding thing for me to observe as a parent. She went from not even knowing how to read sheet music to playing actual music and chords. So amazing.

The rest of the afternoon will be for free reading, free time and just plain enjoying the afternoon sun that has decided to make an appearance today. Like I said earlier, her youth group meets this evening for three hours so a bit of free time is nice before heading to that.

Thursday and Friday are library days, which means she has work time scheduled in for working on her literature and writing assignments, vocab, etc. This week Thursday also starts her additional dance class which is her Modern/Contemporary class that meets before her Ballet/Pointe class.

Slowly we are getting things finalized for next year's studies and we are so excited! We've already changed some things up from our original pre-planning blog posts. Ha ha! You shouldn't be surprised.

Enjoy your afternoon!

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Freshman Year Thoughts | Language Arts

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Our selection for Language Arts for next year was a pretty simple one...this year we have absolutely loved everything about Oak Meadow's 8th grade English course that it just makes sense for us to continue on the OM path. It's very rigorous when it comes to the writing portion (which Zoey loves) and the books that were selected for the literature selections were amazing.

Resources we are thinking about and/or interested in for 9th grade language arts:

- The Hero's Journey Literature and Composition Coursebook (hoping to purchase the syllabus during Oak Meadow's online sale)

The following books I am planning to look for on Thrift Books or to check out from the library as they are needed. 

The House of the Scorpion, by Nancy Farmer
Kidnapped, by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank
Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer
Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston
House of Light, by Mary Oliver

These will be purchased through Oak Meadow during their online sale...

A Pocket Style Manual, by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers 
Write It Right: A Handbook for Student Writers (Oak Meadow Books)
- Two blank journals (one for each semester)

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Freshman Year Thoughts | Art

Monday, February 5, 2018

Zoey is really excited about what we have planned for art next year. She took charge of this coursework selection herself and we've actually already picked up the necessary books (through Thrift Books) and have most of the actual art supplies on hand already from my years of collecting art stuff...helps that my dad is an artist and much of my stuff has come from him over the years.

Resources we are thinking about and/or interested in for 9th grade art:

- Oak Meadow's Drawing and Design Fine Arts Study
- Oak Meadow's Drawing and Design Syllabus (planning on picking this up during OM's sale)
- The Art of Seeing (I was able to pick up an older publication of this at Thrift Books for super cheap!)
Art supplies needed for this course which we already own:

drawing pencils (any type, ebony pencils are excellent)
drawing paper, two sizes, notebook size and larger
watercolor paper or a textured paper
kneaded eraser
charcoal sticks or pencils
black, white, and gray construction paper
color pencils
soft pastels (any number of colors)
oil pastels (any number of colors)
painter's tape
If our budget allows, I also thought it would be fun for Zoey to participate in some of Jane Davenport's online workshops. It's an artist that she admires and it's something that she could do at her own pace. Perfect for homeschooling!
I'm so happy that Zoey gets to participate in figuring out what we will be working on when it comes to homeschooling. It's great for her to own the experience and she's already mentioned how excited she is about art "next year" more than once since we've decided. 
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Freshman Year Thoughts | Science

Sunday, February 4, 2018

I'm planning on blogging a series with thoughts on resources and curriculum for 
courses for Zoey's 9th grade year. We are starting to think about what it is that we want our year ahead to look like and I'm hoping to create a running list of those ideas that are of interest to Zoey here. This will help us with our planning and budgeting and help me to feel a bit more organized while looking at the year ahead. 

There is a homeschooling high school group that I belong to on Facebook and I asked for thoughts and recommendations for a biology course that was at the high school level, that was secular and had lots of hands on labs. Zoey loves hands on when it comes to science. Labs are especially important now that we are talking high school. 

Right now I have requested several high school biology textbooks from area colleges through our library loan system so that we can look through them in person and see which ones we think may be the best fit. Once we find one that we like, I'm planning on purchasing the text(s) used. These books all align themselves with the biology lab kits available through Quality Science Labs. When Zoey saw the labs, she was adamant that this is what she wanted. She LOVES labs and especially dissections! Knowing that this is something she is interested in will give me the time to budget and plan, as we will also want to ensure we are able to get our hands on a better quality microscope than the one we currently have. 

In combination with the biology textbook, biology lab manual and lab kit, and microscope it was brought to my attention that a subscription to The Great Courses Plus program would be beneficial,  not just for biology, but for many other subjects/interests as well. Last year we had a subscription to BrainPop! which we have since canceled. It was interesting and we used it a lot for science and health during Zoey's 7th grade year, but I think Zoey is aging out of the content and the way that it is presented.


Resources we are thinking about and/or interested in learning more about for 9th grade science/biology:

- Holt Biology Textbook (Oak Meadow uses this AND our local high school uses the 2010 version of this text)

Subscription to The Great Courses Plus lectures

Library books to request throughout the year:

- The Hot Zone by Richard Preston
- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
- The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
The gene : an intimate history / Siddhartha Mukherjee
- Evolution Vs. Creationism by Eugenie C. Scott
- Science, Evolution and Creationism by Institute of Medicine

These are the ideas and resources that we are currently thinking about. This list will be added to and tweaked between now and next year, I am sure!

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8th Grade Updates

Friday, February 2, 2018

Wow, this year has been keeping us busy! I thought it would be a good thing to write up a post of where it is that we're at here this year, what's been working and what hasn't, etc.

We are still LOVING Oak Meadow's English 8 coursework. So far Zoey has read The Giver, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Lord of the Flies, A Wrinkle in Time (this was a review as she had read it already) and is currently finishing up reading Call of the Wild. She has loved every single book that has been assigned with the exception of Call of the Wild (UPDATE: She finished the book and she has changed her mind, and likes it!). She loves writing and the books Strunk & White and Writing for 100 Days have proven to be amazing resources for her. We will be keeping both of these books for our homeschool collection well after this year is through. I can't express just how happy we are with this program for English. The writing assignments that she's had throughout the year are meaningful and I'm so proud of what Zoey has taken on and mastered, just in her writing alone. Looking ahead for literature, it's hard to believe that there are only two books left, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Hobbit.

(Working on some sketching for art.)

We are also using Oak Meadow's Civics coursework for Social Studies this year. Again, we are enjoying it. The connections that are made throughout are intentional and meaningful and allow for the student to take on responsibility for how it is that they are thinking about a certain concept and then creates an environment for them to research and make the case for their stance. It's a great Civics course. Very thorough and thoughtful and I love that it is written to the student. Right now, one of her assignments for this particular week, was to journal daily from the position of being either a status offender or juvenile delinquent. We are learning about criminal justice currently and will be moving into local government next week.

Physical Science this year has been just okay. Zoey is a science kid, so much of what we have been covering this year has been a bit of a review of things she's already been exposed to. Review is good, but sometimes isn't very fun or interesting. She has been wanting more hands on, which is actually a bit difficult too with Physical Science as the subject matter. There were a handful of lessons where we did have to slow down a bit to really get inside of different equations that we needed to master before moving forward. Since math has been a struggle for Zoey in the past, I was expecting these weeks to be more challenging but was surprised that we were able to get through them with the understanding that we would just take it slow until we got what needed mastering. I think that next year we will be trying something else for science. Oak Meadow's Physical Science is really well written and thorough, it's just that we need something a bit more in depth and hands on when it comes to this subject matter.

(Making lip balm - a "just for fun" project.)

We are still trucking along on Math using Math-U-See and it's still working well for Zoey and since this is the one subject that she struggles in, we're not going to rock the boat and switch things up any time soon! The thing I love about this curriculum is that she has her workbook, I have the teacher book and if she's struggling, there are DVD's where the teacher (Mr. Demme) goes through the lessons thoroughly. We are always able to grasp what it is that is needed to be taught via the lessons. There is also teacher support though, if we ever happen upon something that we just can't figure out. I am so appreciative of how this curriculum is laid out. It's created for success for the student for sure. Looking back to when Zoey was in public school, there is no way that you could have told me that the first thing that Zoey would choose to work on at the beginning of her school day would be math, but now it is!

We are using a textbook from Holt for health class this year. Health is required every year for homeschoolers in the state of Wisconsin which I kind of find funny since while in public school (at her charter) she didn't have a health class at all her 6th grade year, which in my opinion, seems a pivotal year when it comes to body changes, puberty, peer pressure, etc.! We are using Lifetime Health and while it's geared for grades 9-12 we're finding it's just fine. It was actually one of the books that was recommended through Oak Meadow awhile ago so I was able to buy this book used for cheap on Thrift Books. Much of it is review, but looking ahead I can see that we'll get to the more meaty stuff here shortly.

For fulfilling her Physical Education requirement she is still taking dance twice a week which is quite intense and she works out at home doing exercises and stretches from class on off days. This is in addition to group physical activities once a week with her youth group that meets and then of course activities that she and I do outdoors or that we take part in as a family.

(Zoey is in the middle-front at her Winter Dance Recital.)

(Volunteering at a library program with members of her dance group.)

Zoey started taking guitar lessons back in October of this past year. At that time she didn't (confidently) know how to read sheet music. She takes lessons once a week with an older gentleman at our local Center for the Arts which is downtown and she is progressing amazingly well for where it is that she started from. Out of everything that we've been pursuing this year, this is the thing that I am most excited and proud of her for. She has been practicing diligently and daily, and it shows! She is mastering chords and has several songs that she can play and is almost finished with her first lesson book for this season. I can't wait to see what's in store for her when it comes to music and guitar! This was unexpected and such a very embraced interest on her behalf. So thankful that we figured out a way to make the lessons happen financially and logistically, as it's been so worth it!!

(Attending a Beatles Tribute concert w/friends at the Ames Center in Minnesota.)

Also new this year is Fusion. Zoey's been attending a youth group on Wednesday nights that is comprised of students from the area middle schools and high schools as well as area homeschoolers. It's been awesome! They meet for three hours each Wednesday evening. Their meetings start with all the kids together for a dinner, then they meet in the chapel for a message and large group discussion which is followed by a large group (often physical) activity in the gym. After this they break into smaller groups by age and sex for a small group, more intimate discussion. It's been so great for Zoey to meet other kids and for it to be a mixed bag of sorts when it comes to the kids attending. Because they may not be surrounded by their immediate peer group from school, the kids are more able to be themselves and foster friendships based on solely the relationship at hand. Another thing that I am enjoying, is the car rides home from when I pick her up. We talk about the topic of discussion each week...sometimes there are things we disagree with (maybe in how something was presented) and we dissect it, think critically and then try to figure out how to move forward with whatever was discussed at the meeting. It's truly one of my favorite moments of the week. I love hearing Zoey's thoughts and getting to get a peek at how it is she is forming her thoughts on faith. 

Reading is still a huge part of Zoey's days. I have not kept track of a running book list for her this year. With high school on the horizon though, next year we will definitely be keeping a book list again. One thing though that I have noticed this year is that she is picking up more adult non-fiction books and really devouring them. Most have been biographies on scientists and musicians. She has a healthy diet of YA fiction though, but is very picky about what kinds of books she will devote her time and attention to. She safely has 3-5 books going on at a time.

Speaking of reading, we are actually starting up again with our teen book club at the library, (I am the teen librarian). We will be meeting once a month on a Saturday morning and discussing our monthly read in addition to participating in activities and having treats, etc.

There is so much more that I am missing...independent art projects, field trips and other random happenings but if I am indeed going to get this posted as an update, then I have to stop somewhere! I'm hoping to post what it is that we are looking at for the upcoming year...we're been really struggling with what it is that we were hoping to use for science next year but I think we've found something!! Can't wait to share! Until then, have a great weekend!

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