Some of the things accomplished last week...
Geography //
Zoey started in on and completed a geography project in which she created a travel brochure for those wishing to learn more about visiting Alaska.
She prepared a Canadian meal from scratch for her family...Maple Chicken, Wild Rice w/ Mushrooms and a Blueberry Crisp.
She finished up working on a smaller project dealing with graphing place name origins of towns and villages within a state of her choosing, in the US. She chose Wisconsin.
She also worked on some map work locating different places and water masses on the map of North America.
Literature & Writing //
She finished up working on a writing project relating to the finishing up of our reading of A Wrinkle in Time.
Art //
She recently worked on drawing up her own map (she chose to draw up a treasure map) tying into her geography studies of mapmaking and mapmakers. She did a leaf etching of a maple leaf and is currently working on a pencil sketch of a moose (also tying into Canada/North America studies).
World Religions //
Started reading the book
In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World (which she is finding really interesting).
Science //
Consisted mostly of reading this past week along with some internet research. She learned about Dolly the Sheep in her wrapping up of studying genetics and cloning.
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