Upon starting homeschooling Zoey I was turning to many homeschool blogs to read about resources that other homeschooling families were using and to see what seemed to be working for other families that had kiddos my daughter's age as well as just for some support. Upon doing so, I happened upon a few bloggers that have since become favorites of mine that I regularly check in with, when I can. One of Zoey's favorite blogs (she's the one that found it!) and now mine, is the Unexpected Homeschool blog written by Christy Schaefer. I think Zoey likes it so much because Christy has an only child who happens to be a girl and is (seemingly) just a bit older than Zoey. One day while reading Christy's blog, she posted about openings in the Homeschool Review Crew for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and shared a link to an application. After thinking about it for a bit, I went ahead and sent one in. Zoey was encouraging me to do so as she wanted to be just as much a part of this as I. Several days later we received notification that we were accepted and have been invited to be an official part of the crew! We're so excited!
I can't wait to learn more about the opportunities we will have now that we will be writing reviews here and there for the Schoolhouse Review Crew! Very honored and very excited for the mentor-ship, aide and support that we will be given along with this opportunity! Feeling very blessed.
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