We live in Northern Wisconsin and we've got at least 6 inches of snow STILL! We've been getting a bit antsy and have been looking for some easy crafts. Rock painting was something that I had pinned on Pinterest awhile back and we hadn't attempted it up to this point. I had however pulled a small stash of rocks from our rock garden so we used those for this little project.
We used small bottles of acrylic craft paint that I picked up at our Ace Hardware and painted a few coats on to the rocks so the colors were vibrant.
*TIP* For art projects I have a vinyl tablecloth that we throw over our work table in the basement and for painting I cut up pieces of cardboard to serve as art mats.
I pulled out my permanent markers too and love the little faces on Zoey's rocks (pictured below).
A fun, easy art project that you get to see pretty much immediate gratification from! Sometimes that's nice! Right now the rocks are sitting in a pretty little bowl on our table but the plan is to put them out in the garden this summer.
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