So these pictures are already from a few weeks ago, I'm just a bit behind in posting what it is that we're up to...we've been busy! Next week is spring break for the public schools in our area, I think we're still going to do a bit of school "light" that week just so we don't lose our steam. We'll be sure to try and fit in some fun though for sure!
Zoey shared that the heart dissection was the most fun out of all the dissections she's done so far. I think she says that about all of them though. :)
The heart was definitely the most challenging to make cuts on. The fatty tissues and muscle was quite tough to get through. But the struggle was well worth it.
For those that may not be regular readers, we are following Guest Hollow's Human Anatomy curriculum for science this year and WE LOVE IT! So very many hands on activities and the books that are scheduled in are fantastic. Zoey is really learning a lot, as am I. For all the dissection labs we were able to get supplies from Home Science Tools.
I love that Zoey is getting this experience with hands on learning. It's quite amazing.
This afternoon Zoey has her drama class with the local homeschool co-op and then later this afternoon she will be taking a class from Outschool for the first time. Her first online class. I'm hoping our internet connection can handle it as well as our clunky laptop and that she likes the class. I still can't quite believe that she yes to taking the class, usually she is quite wary of anything to do online. The class does have to do with acting though so that may have something to do with her interest and enthusiasm! It will be fun to share an update of how it went shortly!
Wishing you a productive week!
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