
2021/2022 School Year (Senior Year)
Social Studies - US History = 1 credit
English - American History: Westward Expansion = 1 credit
Science - Environmental Science = 1 credit
Math - Geometry = 1 credit
Foreign Language - French II = 1 credit
Electives - 
Extra Curricular/Activities/Achievements:
Piano, Classical Guitar
2020/2021 School Year (Junior Year - COVID-19 Pandemic)

Social Studies - US Government 0.5, Foodways: Sustainable Food Systems 0.5 = 1 credit
English - World Literature|Poetry, Classics|Modern Theatre Studies 0.5 = 1.5 credits
Science - Anatomy & Physiology w/lab = 1.5 credits
Math - KA Algebra II = 1 credit
Health - Nutrition = 0.5 credit
PE - Yoga/Hiking/Meditation = 1 credit
Foreign Language - ULAT, French I = 1 credit
Electives - Art (Fiber Arts) 0.5, Music Theory I 0.5 = 1 credit 

8.5 credits

Extra Curricular/Activities/Achievements:
Piano, Classical Guitar, celebrated 13 years of dance with Minocqua Dance, Drivers Ed

All in the Timing | Sure Thing by David Ives (Betty)
(LUHS Drama)

Hello, Dolly! Musical | Ernestina Money
(LUHS Drama)

Ballet Remix
(Minocqua Dance)

Ballet ReMix (summer session)
(Minocqua Dance)

Musical Theatre Dance Workshop with Luke Funk (two workshops)
(Minocqua Dance)

Children's Theater Summer Camp Volunteer
(Campanile Center for the Arts)

Employee (part-time)
(Gaslight Square Antiques)

2019/2020 School Year (Sophomore Year|Covid-19 Pandemic hit at the end of the year)

Social Studies - Medieval History, Beautiful Feet Books = 1 credit
English - English Literature and Composition II, Oak Meadow = 1 credit
Science - Chemistry w/Labs, Guest Hollow's Chemistry in the Kitchen and Thames and Kosmos Chem C3000 = 1.5 credits
Math - Algebra I = 1 credit
Health and Physical Education - Yoga, Pilates and Meditation, Natural Health and Healing 0.5 course via Gale Courses = 1.5 credits
Foreign Language - Spanish II = 1 credit
Electives - Drama class via Northwoods HEART 0.5, Art 0.5, Nutrition 0.5 = 1.5 credits

8.5 credits

Extra Curricular/Activities/Achievements:

Panda-monium (written by HEART students) | President
HEART Drama (play cancelled due to pandemic/play was to be performed at the end of the schoolyear)

Ballet/Pointe Classes        

(Minocqua Dance)

Classical Guitar                 

(Campanile Center for the Arts)

Narrator for the Nutcracker Live Show
(Minocqua Dance)

Children's Theater Summer Camp Volunteer
(Campanile Center for the Arts) - cancelled due to pandemic

Employee (part-time)
(Gaslight Square Antiques) - didn't work due to pandemic

2018/2019 School Year (Freshman Year)

Social Studies - Oak Meadow World History and World History Crash Courses with John Green = 1 credit
English - Literature and Composition I = 1 credit
Science - Biology w/Lab (Oak Meadow and Real Science Odyssey) = 1.5 credits
Math - Pre-Algebra = 1 credit 
Health and Physical Education - S.E.X., Second Edition: The All-You-Need-To-Know Sexuality Guide to Get You Through Your Teens and Twenties (additional activities including nutrition, and physical education) = 1 credit
Foreign Language - Spanish 1 (All in One Homeschool) = 1 credit
Elective(s): Art (Drawing & Design) 0.5, Acting Skills 0.5, Acting class online 0.5 = 1.5 credits

8 credits

Extra Curricular/Activities/Achievements include:

Ballet/Pointe Classes        

(Minocqua Dance)

Classical Guitar                 

(Campanile Center for the Arts)

Tech Crew                         

(LUHS Drama)

Les Misérables Musical | Ensemble/Claquesous
(LUHS Drama)

Actor in “Kindness Counts” commercial 
(WJFW Channel 12)

Narrator for the Nutcracker Live Show
(Minocqua Dance)

Narrator for 20 Years of Dance Live Show

(Minocqua Dance)

Employee (part-time)
(Gaslight Square Antiques)

Music Clinic - British Invasion/Yoga for Performers/Cuban Salsa Dancing/
Musical Theater Tips & Tricks/Musical Theater

Children's Theater Summer Camp Volunteer              

(Campanile Center for the Arts)

Actor in commercial for public library's teen summer reading program
(Minocqua Public Library and Area Local Public Schools)


2017/2018 School Year

Social Studies

We are using Oak Meadow's Civics course for 8th grade.

English, Writing & Literature

We are using Oak Meadow's English 8 
Books read include: The Giver, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Lord of the Flies, The Hobbit, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and The Call of the Wild. 

She will be using the following texts for writing: The Elements of Style and 100 Days of Writing.


We are using Oak Meadow's Physical Science for 8th grade and supplementing with Guest Hollow's Chemistry book list and using this Chemistry set/conducting experiments as well as utilizing experiments from the kit, the History of Science.


We are using Oak Meadow's Lifetime Health (HOLT) text and curriculum.


We are using Math-U-See

Foreign Language

We are using First Form Latin from Memoria Press.

Possible Electives (so far)

Dance (ballet/pointe) - Summer Dance Intensive program and fall and winter weekly sessions
Drama @ co-op during the school year (summer theater in July)
Music Theory and Piano Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Cooking Basics/Home Economics
Crash Courses

2016/2017 School Year

History, Geography & Current Events

We will be using Build Your Library's Grade 7 curriculum covering World Geography. Here is a link to the books that we will be using for our readers and literature.

We will be using a few of the History Un-Boxed kits for areas relating to the content we are studying. We will be using materials from the library as needed or as the interest arises. We will also be using this supplemental material, creating and keeping a timeline, etc. For current events I am interested in utilizing the site Newsela.

I purchased the book Travel Dreams Fun-Schooling Journal for when Z will come to the library with me. It's essentially a book where she is given a specific place to pull books, documentaries, maps, etc. for and research them and then document her findings. She's really excited about this book!

I will also be utilizing the website Big History Project.

World Religions

Part of the Build Your Library curriculum includes World Religions. We will be using the internet linked Usborne Encyclopedia of World Religions for her spine and there are several books (including In the Beginning: Creation Stories from Around the World). that she will be reading to supplement this as well. 


For science this year Z wanted to cover the human body, anatomy and health since it's something that she hasn't covered in any depth yet. We will be following Guest Hollow's Jr. Anatomy curriculum which is geared for 3rd - 8th grade (you make it what you need it to be with the books you decide to go with and the projects and experiments you choose to do). I printed this out already and I'm SO EXCITED to do this with Z! It's going to be a blast! She will get to dissect a cow eye, a sheep brain and more...she can't wait!!

I did purchase a human body model that she can take apart and some wall clings where she can identify the different body systems and label necessary parts of the body, etc.

We will be using human body/anatomy apps and will watch various DVD's on the human body, health, anatomy, etc. which we will get from the library as they apply to where we're at. Here are the books we will be using:

Zoey is really interested in herbs as well, we are doing some intermittent unit studies on herbs here and there this summer as time allows. These are the books that we've been using:

along with playing the game Wildcraft! and using the Herbal Remedies kit from Learning Herbs.

Language Arts

We will be following the Brave Writer philosophy on learning writing and enjoying literature and poetry using the Faltering Ownership home study course and using Daily Grams Grade 7 (text and workbook) for Grammar. There is also literature, writing and grammar incorporated in with the Build Your Library curriculum.


We'll be exploring poetry using the book Favorite Poems Old and New: Selected for Boys and Girls and numerous other poetry books we find from our library. 


Review of double digit multiplication, division, word problems, making change, balancing checkbook. Introduction to Pre-Algebra, Finding the Un-Known, etc. 

Will be using Math-U-See, Math Mammoth, Khan Academy and various apps and on-line games for enrichment


We will be tying in our Geography studies with our art this year and will be using the book Geography Through Art: International Art Projects for Kids.


If I feel art is lacking (we're going to have several craft projects just done on our own too!) I am thinking about adding 200 Projects to Strengthen Your Art Skills and Discovering Great Artists.


Critical Thinking Skills for Reading, Writing, Math and Science, Level 3 Figural


We will be working on basic cooking skills all year long and will incorporate the book Eat Your Way Around the World to tie into our Geography unit as well.

Possible Electives (so far)

Dance (ballet/pointe) - Summer Dance Intensive program and fall and winter weekly sessions
Drama @ co-op during the school year (summer theater in July)
Music Theory and Piano Lessons
Cooking Basics

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