Looking Ahead

Thursday, March 2, 2017

*This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Thank you so much for helping to support our homeschooling!

I've got loads of pictures to share of our recent homeschooling activities but they are still sitting happily in my camera, so that will be a post to come...perhaps, (hopefully) this weekend.

I'm already looking ahead to what we may pursue in the way of our curriculum choices for next year and I somehow stumbled upon Beautiful Feet Books and Blackbird & Company. I'm intrigued by both and am wondering how it is that I didn't discover them until now. I've found a few reviews for Beautiful Feet Books but have found very few for Blackbird & Company. I'm such a visual person that I really like to see a nice spread-out of a curriculum before making a purchase. Both curricula however do have limited samples available on their websites for viewing. I was so smitten with the Medieval Times curriculum from Beautiful Feet Books that I went ahead and purchased it for Zoey to use next year for her history.

I found the entire lot available for sale on a used homeschool curriculum board on Facebook that I belong to, and actually paid less than half of what the listed price is online. The only thing missing is the map. I can't wait to get it to look it over more closely. I'll be sure to share my thoughts when I do. When Zoey went from public school to her charter school in 5th grade she missed the year long study of medieval times and since the rotation of the charter school had already studied it as well, she has yet to learn this time period in history. I'm also considering the History of Science lot from them as well but am going to wait and see what I think of the history before making a decision.

Right now, I have several things from Blackbird & Company in my shopping cart. I have the Science - Elemental Journal in my cart and know that I will for sure be getting this for Zoey...she is OBSESSED with the periodic table of elements ever since she read the Itch trilogy of books. She will use this here this year yet I am sure. She's already trying to collect some of the elements on her own so this will be something that is just right for her right now. I also really am interested in their writing curriculum. I think this is what I've been looking for. This is the first writing curriculum that I've wanted to splurge on immediately upon seeing it, beyond Brave Writer (which I have yet to actually purchase...we're still just implementing the philosophy as we think it applies). I'm still wishy-washy when it comes to Brave Writer, for whatever reason...this though, I can see myself getting behind and I think it would be worth the price tag if I need to pay full price.

I also currently have the Taxonomy of Living Things in my cart. Because...well, it looks interesting and Zoey is a science kid! Ack...what am I going to do? If you have any experience or knowledge of either of these companies I would appreciate your reviews!

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